How To Avoid 8 Years Of Poor Health In A Fat Body

How To Avoid 8 Years Of Poor Health In A Fat Body



By Rob Poulos, Fat Loss & Fitness Expert & Creator of \’Fat Burning Furnace\’

I was puttering around on the internet this morning and I saw something that really caught my eye. It was the latest data regarding our current life expectancy as humans from the World Health Organization, along with a history of how that\’s changed over the years.

This info went all the way back to the Neanderthal period (the guys from the Geico Insurance TV commercials) up to present day humans.

Those poor Geico guys only lived to be 20 years old on average, while today\’s humans can expect about 75 years of life.

2,900 Or More Days Of Misery In Your Future?!

But did you know that today\’s people have an average healthy life expectancy of just 67 years? In other words, this is saying that you can expect 8 years of your life in poor health. 8 years! That\’s 2,900+ days of poor health. I don\’t know about you, but that\’s not something I\’m looking forward to. I sure think we can do better than 67 years of good health on this planet. And you know what? We can.


This number is an average. Like anything else, you don\’t have to be average if you don\’t want to be. The average person doesn\’t exercise properly, if at all. The average person doesn\’t know how to make the right foods selections and maintain a healthy diet. The average person doesn\’t apply themselves mentally and emotionally to maintain relatively stress free living.

If this sounds a little bit too much like you, the good news is you don\’t have to be this person any longer. While it is a shame that today\’s health, fitness, and diet industry is simply confusing more people than it\’s helping, there are a few people and organizations out there that can provide a realistic, effective and efficient approach to breaking past the average healthy life span and living those years full of energy, strength, and vitality.

I get questions from my Fat Burning Furnace newsletter and system readers all the time, after going through the FBF materials, about how they can\’t believe how little exercise is involved. And even though I\’ve told them up front that they can let go of the aerobics or traditional cardio because of how powerful the FBF exercise really is, many still have trouble doing that.

And what I tell them is directly related to the subject of life expectancy and just how much time we really have in our lives. I tell them that having a lean, strong, and healthy body is great. It\’s one of the most important things we can attain. Period. But, how much time is it worth to you? That\’s the question I asked myself over and over when seeking out my own methods and developing the FBF methods.

Most people, after years and years of trial and error, come to realize that spending several days and hours a week working out is just not worth the trouble. And carefully measuring your food, counting calories, and depriving yourself of nutrient rich foods like whole grain carbohydrates is also something that shouldn\’t be necessary to enjoy a healthy and energy filled life. And it isn\’t.

How Much Time & Effort Is Minimally Required?

What we really should be focusing on is how much time and effort is minimally required to get the results we\’re looking for. Think about that. Not how much, but how much is minimally required. Remember, we\’ve got just 67 healthy years as a starting point…If I valued my time on this planet, this is what I would be searching for.

If it really took hours and hours a week and all of that crazy nutrition manipulation to burn fat, build muscle, strength, and cardiovascular health, I\’m not sure I\’d do it. Not for very long anyway. I\’ve tried that approach, for years, and if you have you know it\’s no fun. And it\’s just not realistic given the demands our lives place on us in today\’s world.

But as I\’ve mentioned before, you don\’t have to worry about that kind of stuff anymore. The principles in my FBF system allow you to approach your genetic potential for a lean, strong, and healthy body in just minutes each week and with very simple lifestyle changes.

Just 45 Minutes A Week…While Eating Delicious Foods?

My wife Kalen and I have been using the FBF principles for a few years now. We work out twice each week. We even take a week off entirely every few weeks or so. We don\’t count calories. We don\’t deprive ourselves of the foods we love. If it\’s our daughter\’s birthday, we enjoy some cake and ice cream . We just work the FBF principles and continue to stay in great shape day after day, week after week, year after year.

We work out so little because of the way the workouts are performed and created, and we eat with such flexibility because we stick with the FBF lifestyle, which gives you the power of flexibility and variation that is lacking in most programs.

What I\’m saying is that I\’ve discovered what is minimally required to give me the health and body that I wanted. And thousands of my FBF students are doing it as well. Sure I could add another day a week to my workouts, but at this point it would actually be detrimental to my results. I could also start messing with my diet in all sorts of crazy ways, but that would just make my body angry and cause me unneeded stress.

So, I ask you, are you trying to find what\’s minimally required to get you the results you want? If you truly value your time and the other worthy pursuits in your life, I\’m suggesting that this is exactly what you should be doing. If you don\’t, you may just end up being an average 67 year old with 8 years of poor health to look forward to.

By the way, if you haven\’t read my Fat Burning Furnace blueprint yet, you really want to go and do that right now. It took me years to learn all of the techniques and secrets my wife and I used to drop over 100 pounds of fat (see our pictures after you click the button below), totally reshape our bodies, boost our energy, and develop lasting health…but you can copy my plan just a few minutes from now with my Fat Burning Furnace system.

How To Avoid 8 Years Of Poor Health In A Fat Body

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