Healthy Male Organ Revitalization: What To Do After Prostate Cancer}

Submitted by: J Dugan

Next to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, with more than 2,000,000 Americans in the ranks of prostate cancer survivors. Often, men who have gone through treatment for this common disease find that regaining a healthy male organ can be a challenge. In such cases, maintaining optimal male organ care is especially important. To help revitalize the manhood after this health problem, men need to be prepared to take the necessary steps.

About the disease

The prostate is a gland that only men possess and which is found between the rectum and the bladder. Its an important component in the manufacture of the fluid in male seed.

When cancer develops in the prostate, it can cause discomfort and lead to serious issues; however, in some cases it is very slow to grow and many men may have prostate cancer for years without being aware of it.

There are many symptoms that may be associated with this condition, including a weak urine stream, frequent urination (especially at night), blood in the urine, firmness issues and loss of bladder control.

Treatment depends upon the stage of the disease but in some instances may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or vaccine therapy.


Depending upon the severity of the cancer and the treatment used, a man may experience significant issues post-treatment, especially when surgery is involved. Although advances in surgery have diminished the impact on sensual performance, many men will still experience some degree of firmness dysfunction after many forms of treatment.

Most doctors recommend that men undergo some form of therapy to help regain the use of a healthy male organ after prostate cancer. In some cases, it is necessary to induce tumescence in situations in which there has been firmness loss, especially if that loss is projected to sustain for an extended period of time.

Induction may be needed

The reason for inducing is to keep the member in shape so that it can re-learn how to become tumescent. Use it or lose it is especially true with the member, and if the organ goes for too long a time without firmness, the vessels and tissues become deoxygenated relative to when in a tumescent state. This creates a vicious cycle in which the tissue becomes less and less capable on its own of trapping the blood that is needed to build and maintain firmness.

Typical therapy comes in one or more of three forms: oral, injection and vacuum.

Oral therapy involves taking a medication by mouth which helps to promote tumescent activity. Many doctors recommend this therapy be started before treatment for the cancer and continue afterward for a month or more.

Injection therapy requires the injection of medicines which help the manhood blood vessels to expand.

Vacuum therapy is performed via a male organ pump, which creates a vacuum around the organ that encourages the flow and trapping of blood in the member.

For any form of treatment to regain function after treatment for prostate cancer, it helps if a man goes into the situation with a healthy male organ to begin with. One way to achieve this is via daily use of a quality male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Especially important in this instance is that the crme contains among its ingredients L-arginine. This enzyme helps to create nitric oxide, a substance which in turn is essential for the healthy functioning of blood vessels and the continued oxygenation of tissues in the member. It also is wise to select a crme that includes vitamin C. One of the most popular nutrients, vitamin C is noted for the role it plays in collagen production and member skin firmness. A well-balanced crme like Man1 Man Oil provides a wealth of nutrients vital to continued male organ health.

About the Author: Visit

for more information most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.


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