The Ten Day Weather Forecast For Menorca

The ten Day Weather Forecast For Menorca


Bart Nortonn

Why are we obsessed with the climate and why is it that weather sites online are so well visited, especially the ones labeled “The ten day Forecast.” Menorca is a wonderfully different holiday island and yet the question with the weather always intrigues would be visitors so let’s take a few minutes to explain.


Is it me or does everyone like to look at the weather forecast for Menorca before going on holiday, especially the ten Day Forecast. Hands up all of you who do the same as me! There’s a Menorcan legend that the Winds of Menorca change people’s personalities! Call me a septic but I do just like the legend, but true or not lots of visitors do become regulars as a result of their very first visit. Obviously the climate has a strong impression on visitors. Menorca’s weather, as one would think, is Mediterranean. Summer temperatures reach into the low 30s but the average is a comfortable 24?C. Winter sees a marked drop with some and sunny periods but the average temperature is fall in winter to 11?C, but you will find still sunny days with tempertures reaching 15? or 16?. The rainfall is low with most rain falling from the autumn. On the other hand rainfall varies throughout the island and is highest within the North plus the interior and lowest within the south eastern parts. Menorca has a cool north wind, known since the Tramuntana, which tempers the temperature and has resulted while in the unique Minorcan landscape. I have been on holiday in early September and suffered gales. In September 2003 there had been this kind of adverse weather circumstances one evening that the ferries from Barcelona have been delayed and significant damage occured in nearby Mallorca. In October 2008 we chanced the weather with a weeks break and could not have wished for better weather so late inside the season. October can be a wet month but we have taken a holiday in mid October and had glorious weather save for one evening when it rained heavily but it was only a passing thunderstorm. The Menorcan season is brief but we have never had a holiday ruined by rain in all our Menorcan holidays. The UK weather can be problematical but Menorca will give you warm evening and sunny day for significantly extra from the year than anywhere from the British Isles. If all you want would be the current problems here is a forecast!

To find out more about this topic, visit

New York Weather 10 Day Forecast

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The ten Day Weather Forecast For Menorca