If Your Disability Claim Was Denied; What Is The Best Next Move?

April, 2017 byadmin

In the event your claim for Social Security disability benefits is denied you have 60 days to make your next move. It’s quite amazing when you look into what applicants do; the majority of them don’t appeal, they either simply give up or they start from the beginning and prepare a new application. Both of these moves are wrong, the best thing to do is immediately contact the SSA and request an appeal. In many cases this is when the applicant first contacts a Social Security lawyer in Missouri.

Always appeal:

If you are of the opinion that your disability meets all the criteria as laid down by Social Security, never walk away from your claim or start over; always appeal. Statistically almost three quarters of all applications are denied, your best chance of winning your claim is during the appeal process. Filing a new application for benefits is a total waste of time; chances are very good that this will be denied as well because nothing tangible has changed.

The appeals process:

Within 60 days of receiving a denial of benefits you must act, the first level of appeal is to request a reconsideration of your original submission. Although a few applicants win at this stage, the greatest majority of applicants move to the hearing level.

It is when the application reaches this level that many denials of benefits are overturned. Your Social Security lawyer in Missouri will have had the opportunity to provide the SSA with up to date medical reports on your condition and he or she will have prepared you to answer questions that can be expected to be asked by the Administrative Law Judge. If your lawyer feels that it is to your advantage, expert medical and vocational witnesses will also be invited to support your claim.

If your application for Social Security disability benefits is denied; don’t give up or start over. This is the time to contact a seasoned Social Security lawyer in Missouri to help you with your appeal. You are invited to contact Grundy Disability Group, LLC.